Delivering an Investor Day with Impact
Delivering an exceptional Investor Day requires a team of experienced partners that understand the investment community and their expectations
Delivering an exceptional Investor Day requires a team of experienced partners that understand the investment community and their expectations
For Q1’24, company performances surpassed already strong expectations, particularly on the bottom line, as executives demonstrated their prowess with productivity initiatives. As a result, the Dow hit 40,000 for the first time in history, and the S&P 500 and Nasdaq also hit record highs after encouraging inflation data this week.
Heading into earnings season, our Q1’24 Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer® survey, published April 11, registered higher optimism despite dashed rate cut hopes and stickier inflation.
An examination of Materials sector earnings announcements this quarter finds an improving executive tone.
As we look at the broader landscape and try to read the tea leaves on behalf of our clients this quarter, the Materials sector – a barometer for the economy – is showing signs of slow, but steady stabilization. Indeed, Materials, one of the “canary in the coal mine” sectors, has now moved to a “variable degree” of optimism, a better place than we were last quarter and the boom-and-bust nature that played out from the Covid-induced cycle. However, with many companies exposed to the consumer, progression will most likely be choppy and bounce along versus linear.
Thought Leaders at the forefront of best practice – we have surveyed global investors on the equity markets, world economy, and business climate
There is a noticeable change in executive tone this quarter — one of more caution — as much of the sector grapples with fluctuating and bifurcating consumer buying habits, with pronounced pullbacks this quarter in discretionary spending evident across several industries, including dining and retail. Much hinges on the consistently strong employment environment, though we continue to see a bevy of layoffs as companies manage profitability in a slowing growth environment and as pricing power has slowed at the same time labor costs are climbing.
Many observed a cautious consumer environment through the first three months of the year, leading to subdued traffic, sales, and a more competitive landscape overall, especially in regions like China where recovery has been slower than expected.
Phil Dickinson, VP, Advisory, participated in Corbin Advisors’ Light the Way Day, the firm’s inaugural company-wide day of service. Phil spent the day with other team members at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Charlotte, North Carolina.
While performances have varied from company to company, in aggregate, Industrials currently represent the only sector in the S&P 500 where the majority of reported top-line figures have come in below consensus.
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