Q4'24 Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer®

The Sector Beat: Industrials – Q1’24

As we noted heading into earnings season, investor optimism, including that captured in our Industrial Sentiment Survey®, is seemingly outpacing corporate reality at this time, but executive commentary suggests increasing hope and optimism around normalization and back-half acceleration. Flagging headwinds are hampering straight-line momentum and the U.S. Presidential Election is more and more cited as curtail capex confidence, especially large, long-cycle projects. Year-over-year, the tone is improved.


The Sector Beat: U.S. Banks – Q1’24

While overall Bank positioning paints the picture of increasing optimism, there remains a continued dosage of caution, and many executives were careful to call an outright turnaround in conditions just yet. But, when we assess tone quarter-to-quarter, it continues to inflect more positively… another sign that 2024 is starting off strong.


The Big So What™ Q1’24 Earnings Season Webinar

During our webinar The Big So What™ – Q1’24 Earnings Season our Founder & CEO, Rebecca Corbin provided an expert lens on what we’re hearing and seeing this earnings season and how that aligns with or differs from Wall Street sentiment, as well as share actionable insights and global market trends aimed at helping companies successfully navigate the current landscape.


Commencing the Quarter – Q1’24

We hope you find our primary research timely, insightful, and actionable, beginning with today’s “Commencing the Quarter” and throughout the Q1’24 earnings season as we report on trends and share our data-driven insights.

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