Q4'24 Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer®

The Sector Beat: Industrials – Q2’23

Industrials generally continue to outpace conservative expectations that were set heading into 2023. Companies in this segment are starting to take the worst-case scenarios off the table and out of their guidance ranges as the economic environment is holding up well enough to garner some cautious optimism.


Commencing the Quarter – Q2’23

Following last quarter’s survey that found a notable disconnect between investor sentiment and management tone, with investors more bearish and bracing for impact, this quarter’s survey reveals investor views are converging with those of management.


Adapting to the Shifting ESG Landscape​: Webinar

Our proprietary research shows over 90% of investors continue to place at least some importance on ESG when making investment decisions, the highest level ever recorded. At the same time, companies broadly are finding it increasingly challenging to differentiate amid a push toward standardization and a “leveling of the playing field.” Like in any natural product lifecycle, we have moved from “introduction” to somewhere between the “growth” and “mature” stages of ESG. And, like any widely adopted product, ESG will see many revolutions.


Gate: Adapting to the Shifting ESG Landscape​

Our proprietary research shows over 90% of investors continue to place at least some importance on ESG when making investment decisions, the highest level ever recorded. At the same time, companies broadly are finding it increasingly challenging to differentiate amid a push toward standardization and a “leveling of the playing field.” Like in any natural product lifecycle, we have moved from “introduction” to somewhere between the “growth” and “mature” stages of ESG. And, like any widely adopted product, ESG will see many revolutions.

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