Q2'24 Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer®

This Week in Earnings: Industrials – Q4’23

In our early analysis of industrial earnings thus far, “stability” was the common tone evoked on calls — a welcomed message from one of the economy’s largest constituencies, and a far cry from recession projections heard throughout much of last year.


Commencing the Quarter – Q4’23

We hope you find our primary research timely, insightful, and actionable, beginning with today’s “Commencing the Quarter” and throughout the Q4’23 earnings season as we report on updates and emerging trends.


CEO Perspective for 2024​

Welcome 2024 – what is sure to be another dynamic year packed with opportunities, challenges, and surprises. Today’s The Big So What™ we will take look at key trends in place or emerging that we believe will shape 2024


A Letter To Our Clients – 2024​

In today’s piece, I’ll share with you the trends we’re seeing that our firm believes will fundamentally shape the year ahead, along with some actionable recommendations and best practices. As always, we hope you find our research and perspectives timely and insightful.

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