Q3'24 Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer®

Climate Reporting

For over a decade, we have been surveying investors, conducting in-depth research, and advising clients on ESG. We have a dedicated and growing practice that supports our clients’ ESG strategy, reporting, and stakeholder communication efforts, including but certainly not limited to conducting materiality assessments, developing authentic and compelling ESG narratives, producing sustainability reports, and targeting and marketing to investors around ESG.


Corporate and Proxy Preparedness

Today’s thought leadership centers on the key themes and action items we’ve synthesized from the IR Magazine’s Corporate Secretary Forum in New York City. As always, we are here to serve as a trusted partner and advisor – if you have questions on any of the following topics, please do not hesitate to reach out and we will connect you with one of our ESG specialists.


Earnings Pre-announcements

All signs seem to point to more, not less, retail shareholder involvement in the capital markets ecosystem in the future. And rightfully so: the democratization of investment tools and resources means that the modern retail shareholder is better equipped than ever to learn about your company. For IR leaders, this underscores the importance of transparent communication and sometimes novel forms of engagement, catering to a segment that’s growing in both size and significance. And don’t forget — individual employees are also part of the retail fabric, making easy-to-understand, educational communication critical to engaging this group at deeper levels


Downturn Playbook​

Balancing the downturn playbook with messaging around confidence and durability is critical. So, what should companies do effectively land this communication approach and build trust with the Street?


2021 In Review

It’s hard to believe we’re about to close another chapter – 2021. It has been an intense but highly fulfilling year working with our valued clients to achieve great outcomes.



Seemingly, they understand the trade-off between higher costs and growth-enabled talent. Organizations of all shapes and sizes are at very different points in their talent evolution, but one thing is consistent: investors – and employees – are looking for a transparent view on corporate efforts.

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