Survey Finds Muted Q4 Industrial Results Expected, but with a “Change in Momentum” Anticipated for 2025 Despite Policy Uncertainty; Growth Appetite Meaningfully Increases
Survey Finds Muted Q4 Industrial Results Expected, but with a “Change in Momentum” Anticipated for 2025 Despite Policy Uncertainty; Growth Appetite Meaningfully Increases
Survey Finds Renewed Hunger for Growth and High Expectations for 2025, though Shift ‘From Political to Policy Uncertainty’ Keeps Outright Bullishness at Bay
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Similar to commentary we observed in our Big U.S. Banks Sector Beat, management teams continue to see consumer spending normalizing, but overall better than feared as some investors and corporate executives had been bracing for recession risk in early 2024. While a broad recession has not manifested to date and U.S. consumers are seen as more resilient than expected (i.e., they are spending more), their long-time health is a question mark (i.e., an increasing number are spending above their means). Further, evidence that the consumer is a tale of two [income] cities continues to mount.
Continuing, there remains bifurcation in consumer purchasing trends and outlooks. For example, consumer companies selling highly discretionary, larger-ticket items (e.g., boats, tractors, off-road vehicles) were less constructive on the Q4 environment and their outlooks compared with companies generating revenue from more routine consumer purchases, where people can more easily shift to value-conscious consumption (e.g., beauty supplies).
The Big So What™? According to our latest Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer® published on January 11, at the start of earnings season, we saw the level of investor bullishness toward Consumer Discretionary companies bounce off the record low observed last quarter. Interestingly, this resulted in the sector holding the distinction as being the largest bull-sentiment gainer in Q4, while simultaneously registering second only to REITs as the sector with the most downbeat views overall (and with virtually no slippage of those taking the bearish case).
Moreover, 37% expected improving consumer confidence over the next six months, a stark contrast from just 8% in our Q3 survey. The net effect of these results demonstrates that more investors are finding reasons to become constructive on the consumer than they were last year as recession concerns fade to the background for now.
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