Q4'24 Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer®

Corbin Advisors Celebrates 17th Anniversary

This week we celebrate 17 years in business at Corbin Advisors and our Founder’s vision for elevating shareholder engagement and the value creation equation. A heartfelt THANK YOU to our ecosystem – we are grateful for your support and encouragement over the past 17 years!


Happy Halloween 2024

Every year, we carry on our tradition of dressing up and spending the day together at our Farmington, CT headquarters and virtually, too! This year, we had some creative and strong competition for the “Best” costume. We’ll let you judge for yourself!


Happy Holidays 2023

As we reflect on 2023, it was a year of continued learning and progression, team expansion and bonding, and major milestone achieving, including turning Sweet 16! ​


Corbin Celebrates 15 years

A Growing and Bright Future: Founded in 2007 by Rebecca Corbin, we celebrated our 15th Anniversary on November 12, 2022.Since the firm’s start as a one-woman, one-solution shop, the company has grown tremendously, first through the Great Recession and then during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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